The Best Power Plant Service Company

Corporate Identity

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Symbol Mark

The power to make a better future,
with advanced values and technology.
Geo Myeong Power

It is a symbolic mark made by selecting G and M from our English name, reflecting the future image of 'Green Manufacturing' and 'Global Management'.
The symbol mark's design is a smooth curve of G and M characters, representing the company's commitment to developing together through internal and external harmony and mutual cooperation with customers.


Up & Down Combination

Right & Left Combination

Vertical Type

Color System

pantone 1e2e53
cmyk c 97 / m 86 / y 40 / k 35
rgb r 30 / g 46 / b 83
pantone ffffff
cmyk c 0 / m 0 / y 0 / k 0
rgb r 255 / g 255 / b 255