The Best Power Plant Service Company


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2017 ~ Ing

2018. 12 Selected as Small Giant Company of the year by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.(2019)
2018. 12 Received an Award by the Ministry of Small and Medium Business Administration.
2018. 05 Received a rating of “excellent” for technological competence and credit evaluation from Korea Enterprise Data.
2018. 05 Conclusion of University-Industry Cooperation Agreement with Korea Maritime and Ocean University
2018. 04 Fair trade and Mutual growth Agreement of KEPCO KPS and Geo Myeong Power.
2018. 04 New headquarters and relocation (Renamed as Geo Myeong Power Co.,Ltd.)
2018. 02 Signed up as a regular member of INNO-BIZ Association.
2017. 12 Selected as Small Giant Company of the year by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.(2018)
2017. 10 Selected as INNO-BIZ by Small and Medium Business Administration.
2017. 10 Selected as Hidden Champion in Korea by IBK.
2017. 09 Acquired OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series by ICR. (OHK004317)


2016. 12 Received maintenance quality award of material and equipment of the year from KOWEPO.
2016. 12 Received a best maintenance quality appreciation plaque from KOEN Yeongheung Division.
2016. 09 Conclusion of the convention on Win-win assistance with Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.
2016. 07 Received an achievement award in recognition of successful Generating unit repair works by KOWEPO Seoincheon Combined Cycle Power Complex Division.
2016. 07 Technical development of dedicated equipment for fastening bolts removal of a steam turbine casing
2016. 05 Registration of a Patent for Rotor Turning Device.
2015. 12 Received the best prize in Chief Executive Officer of Korea Industrial Economic Association.
2015. 07 Registration of a patent for Portable Machine to process inside of a Turbine Casing.
2015. 04 Registered as the repair & maintenance company of KEPCO KPS (nuclear power, thermoelectric power)
2015. 03 Signed up as a regular member of Korea Industrial Technology Association.
2015. 03 Corporate Research and Development Center founded.


2010 ~ 2014

2014. 02 Registered as the repair & maintenance company of KHNP.
2013. 03 Conclusion of Industry Cooperation Agreement with Changwon Mechanical Technical High School.
2013. 03 Received the Honest Tax Payer Award by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance.
2012. 08 Registration of a Mechanical Equipment Works Business License
2011. 06 Consortium for HRD Ability Magnified Program Agreement with KOSPO.


2007. 11 New headquarters and relocation. (Renamed as Geo Myeong Turbine Co.,Ltd.)
2005. 08 Registered as the repair & maintenance (cooperative) company of KOEN, KOSPO, EWP, KOWEPO and KOMIPO.
( 2005.08 KOSPO, 2005. 10 KOMIPO, 2005. 12 EWP, 2006. 02 KOWEPO, 2008. 05 KOEN )
2005. 06 Bidding, Computing and Registering E-commerce in the electricity field through an integrated platform
2005. 05 Acquired KSA9001/ISO 9001 international quality management certificate by Crebiz QM.(QSC-053917)
2005. 05 Geo Myeong Tech Co., Ltd. Founded.
