The Best Power Plant Service Company
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2018. 12 | Selected as Small Giant Company of the year by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.(2019) |
2018. 12 | Received an Award by the Ministry of Small and Medium Business Administration. |
2018. 05 | Received a rating of “excellent” for technological competence and credit evaluation from Korea Enterprise Data. |
2018. 05 | Conclusion of University-Industry Cooperation Agreement with Korea Maritime and Ocean University |
2018. 04 | Fair trade and Mutual growth Agreement of KEPCO KPS and Geo Myeong Power. |
2018. 04 | New headquarters and relocation (Renamed as Geo Myeong Power Co.,Ltd.) |
2018. 02 | Signed up as a regular member of INNO-BIZ Association. |
2017. 12 | Selected as Small Giant Company of the year by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.(2018) |
2017. 10 | Selected as INNO-BIZ by Small and Medium Business Administration. |
2017. 10 | Selected as Hidden Champion in Korea by IBK. |
2017. 09 | Acquired OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series by ICR. (OHK004317) |
2016. 12 | Received maintenance quality award of material and equipment of the year from KOWEPO. |
2016. 12 | Received a best maintenance quality appreciation plaque from KOEN Yeongheung Division. |
2016. 09 | Conclusion of the convention on Win-win assistance with Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd. |
2016. 07 | Received an achievement award in recognition of successful Generating unit repair works by KOWEPO Seoincheon Combined Cycle Power Complex Division. |
2016. 07 | Technical development of dedicated equipment for fastening bolts removal of a steam turbine casing |
2016. 05 | Registration of a Patent for Rotor Turning Device. |
2015. 12 | Received the best prize in Chief Executive Officer of Korea Industrial Economic Association. |
2015. 07 | Registration of a patent for Portable Machine to process inside of a Turbine Casing. |
2015. 04 | Registered as the repair & maintenance company of KEPCO KPS (nuclear power, thermoelectric power) |
2015. 03 | Signed up as a regular member of Korea Industrial Technology Association. |
2015. 03 | Corporate Research and Development Center founded. |
2014. 02 | Registered as the repair & maintenance company of KHNP. |
2013. 03 | Conclusion of Industry Cooperation Agreement with Changwon Mechanical Technical High School. |
2013. 03 | Received the Honest Tax Payer Award by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. |
2012. 08 | Registration of a Mechanical Equipment Works Business License |
2011. 06 | Consortium for HRD Ability Magnified Program Agreement with KOSPO. |
2007. 11 | New headquarters and relocation. (Renamed as Geo Myeong Turbine Co.,Ltd.) |
2005. 08 | Registered as the repair & maintenance (cooperative) company of KOEN, KOSPO, EWP, KOWEPO and KOMIPO. ( 2005.08 KOSPO, 2005. 10 KOMIPO, 2005. 12 EWP, 2006. 02 KOWEPO, 2008. 05 KOEN ) |
2005. 06 | Bidding, Computing and Registering E-commerce in the electricity field through an integrated platform |
2005. 05 | Acquired KSA9001/ISO 9001 international quality management certificate by Crebiz QM.(QSC-053917) |
2005. 05 | Geo Myeong Tech Co., Ltd. Founded. |